Providing targeted assistance – a sustained commitment to youth
Don Bosco Mondo provides targeted support for the projects of the Salesian Family, the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) and the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco (FMA) in Africa, Latin America and Asia. In 2020, Don Bosco Mondo funded 214 projects in 45 countries totalling 14,25 million euros.
Education and vocational training are the main focus of the NPO’s work. Through skill training and holistic personality development, marginalised children and adolescents are empowered to become self-confident citizens who know their rights and are able to claim them. Through these efforts, Don Bosco Mondo is strengthening civil society in the project countries. The association promotes capacity development and fosters the creation of sustainable self-help structures as well as a strong financial foundation.
Funding priority is given to the following project areas:
- Vocational training
- Human and children's rights
- Emergency relief
- Street children projects
How is the support provided?
The local Salesian communities are responsible for planning and coordinating the projects. They apply for project-related funding to Don Bosco Mondo via the respective Project Development Office (PDO). It applies for funds from private supporting organisations, foundations, donors or the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In order to receive funding, a project must meet certain formal and content-related requirements, the adherence to which is controlled by the responsible project officer. The project officers also advise on and develop projects together with the communities.

What is funded?
A second chance for young offenders
In the Philippines, young offenders who are sent to prison are denied access to education or professional training, and thus the chance to lead a self-determined life. After their release from prison, they often find themselves in a vicious circle of poverty, crime and lack of perspective. To break this vicious circle and give these young people a second chance, Don Bosco Mondo has funded the equipment and extension of a residential home of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Liloan, Philippines, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). At Magone Boys Home, up to 40 youth per year receive qualified vocational training courses and counselling from social workers. At the adjacent Don Bosco training centre, the young men undergo a ten-month training course in which they learn the practical and theoretical basics of welding, mechanics or electrics. This ensures that many of the young trainees will later find permanent employment and stand on their own two feet financially. Social workers support their reintegration and provide day-to-day assistance during and after their stay at the facility.
This pilot project was assessed by a team of international and local experts, with the primary aim of gathering experience and taking work forward in this area to create a sustainable solution. Don Bosco Mondo discussed the findings with the local Salesian community. The recommendations are already being implemented: The number of adolescents is reduced to ensure optimum care. Employees are systematically and continuously coached to develop their competencies. Public authorities are more closely involved to secure resources and continuity.

Self-employment: a way out of unemployment
The work of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Manzini, Swaziland focuses on education and youth welfare. Don Bosco Mondo has invested 40,000 euros for modernising and equipping the training centres in Manzini with support from German foundations. One- to two-year technical training programmes are offered in a wide variety of vocational skills including mechanics, electronics, metalwork and plumbing. A specialty in Manzini: The Don Bosco Skills Centre offers workshop space to local entrepreneurs at a minimal rate. In return, they agree to take on up to eight apprentices. Each year, 80 apprentices are given the chance to participate in the YES programme (Youth Entrepreneurship Service). This represents a real opportunity for the trainees: For one year, they receive in-depth business and marketing lessons in addition to their regular training. They also acquire computer skills and commit to a savings plan. The programme provides them with the necessary equipment to become self-employed entrepreneurs and work their way out of unemployment.

Learning from one another - a commitment to quality
For Don Bosco Mondo, lifelong learning means to actively improve the quality of one’s own work as well as that of the local project partners. This involves the coordinated use of monitoring and evaluation instruments to follow up on the evolution of projects. The result is a mutual learning effect: Approaches that have proved successful can be intensified, while problems and challenges can be solved and discussed in networks and working groups with other stakeholders. This transparency not only promotes mutual trust, but also increases aid flows from donors who can be assured of the projects’ effectiveness.